
Equip Evangelist
Nicholas Petterson
Church Planter
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Nicholas Petterson is a full-time missionary with Equip Canada. Nicholas has known Jesus from an early age, but since the age of 17 Jesus has been stirring in him a passion for developing nations. Living a missional lifestyle that honors and glorifies Jesus has become the core passion and pursuit in his life.
Nicholas Petterson is an experienced missionary with a heart for church planting, training/equipping the church and living a lifestyle of evangelism and discipleship. His entire life is devoted to seeing the lost, broken and unreached peoples of the world meet the love of Jesus.
Nicholas has had years of ministry experience from the university campuses of America, to the streets of Europe, to the mountains of the Middle East. Now as apart of Equip Canada, Nick continues his work among unreached people and equipping others in evangelism.