Marshall Coaching
Spencer & Ileana Marshall
Life Coaching, House Church Leaders & Faith Event Organizers
Merville, BC, Canada
Spencer and Ileana have a unique approach to coaching. Their practice was forged in the furnace of relational and marriage conflict, addiction recovery and deliverance training. In the overcoming of demonic influences by the Word of God, and by the authority and the power of Jesus, Spencer and Ileana help set captives free from demonic influence. Before they met, Ileana had just finished her Masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution, which complemented Spencer's spiritual gifts of encouragement, kindness and understanding. Together they have formed a family practice after nearly a decade of doing this work together.
The Marshall's also love to host church gatherings in their home. Unlike many traditional churches, The Marshall's home church provides the unique opportunity for every voice to be heard, and every gift to be shared by all who attend. Their aim is to create a family environment and encourage those who participate to come as they are and to expect the Holy Spirit to bring transformation through vulnerable surrender to His leading. Many who come to the Marshall's home church experience deliverance from the enemy and freedom in Christ, while worshipping and praying together. They host a fellowship which inspires and encourages others to open their homes for the works of Christ as well.
Spencer and Ileana also host and co-organize a faith event called Unity Fest. Unity Fest is a weekend outdoor gathering in a private pasture on the Marshall's land. Participants are encouraged to camp and be as a family together. In recent years the stage has been shared by multiple worship bands, powerful speakers and others sharing riveting testimonies, all covered in a big revival tent. The Unity Fest team invites all churches and faith communities who find their Identity in Jesus the Messiah, to come and worship and pray together for a whole weekend at the end of July.